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Steps to uni for post-school applicants
Entry to university as a post-school applicant is based on your results for Year 12 studies, the Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT), or tertiary courses you have commenced or completed. It is not based on your age.
You are a post-school applicant if you:
- have never attempted an Australian Year 12 qualification
- attempted an Australian Year 12 qualification in 2023 or earlier
- attempted an International Baccalaureate (IB) in 2023 or earlier
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Assessing your experience
Assessment of your experience depends on individual institutions’ entry criteria. Institutions will either consider all of your qualifications, studies and experience and give each a different weight, or focus only on your highest qualification.
Previous study and employment
It is important to provide details of previous study to 91±¬ÁÏ in your application, including all completed secondary studies, and complete or incomplete tertiary study (Certificate III and above). Most institutions will offer you credit for previous study.
Some studies and qualifications aren’t taken into account by institutions so you don’t have to include these in your application:
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificates I and II
- Statements of Attainment
- TAFE Statements
- courses delivered by Australian private providers that are not accredited. Only those courses accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework, or by the relevant state/territory accreditation authority, will be taken into account. Qualifications undertaken with private providers won't be assessed without proof of accreditation for the particular course. Some institutions will consider a number of pathways, as well as any previous work experience. In both cases you should contact the relevant institutions directly.
UAI (Universities Admissions Index)
The UAI was replaced by the ATAR in NSW and the ACT in 2009. The highest rank became an ATAR of 99.95, as opposed to a UAI of 100. These changes brought NSW and ACT students into line with their interstate peers. The scaling process and the rank order of students remained the same, and the same applicants continued to be selected for the same tertiary courses. All states and territories (except Queensland) have adopted the universal name 'ATAR'. If you received a UAI, check how it converts to an ATAR using the UAI to ATAR conversion table.
Support while you study
You might be concerned about returning to study if it’s been a long time since you left school. Rest assured that there is a wide range of services available at all our participating institutions. These services may include orientation programs, mentoring, student learning units, help with developing study skills, IT support and counselling. In terms of financial support, you may be eligible for scholarships and government payments.
Career advice
is an Australian Government website designed to provide clear and simple careers information for people of all ages and circumstances.
It also offers tailored support to school leavers (aged 15 to 24) transitioning to work, training or further education. Explore the School Leavers Information Kit and tune in to monthly webinars for tips on getting job ready, finding the right course or apprenticeship and more.
Course Seeker provides easy access to details of all undergraduate courses offered by Australian higher education institutions. Find the course that's right for you.
ComparED helps you compare study experience and employment outcomes, using data from Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) surveys completed by students, graduates and employers.
Browse and compare microcredentials available in Australia from tertiary education and training providers. Microcredentials are tailored, outcome-based short courses that are often driven by industry needs.