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There are more than 3,000 courses available at 91±¬ÁÏ’s participating institutions
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These courses are offered to Australian and New Zealand citizens, permanent residents of Australia and holders of Australian permanent resident humanitarian visas.
These courses are offered to international students who completed – in 2023 or 2024 – an Australian Year 12, an International Baccalaureate Diploma or a NCEA Level 3.
These coursework programs are offered to Australian and New Zealand citizens, permanent residents of Australia and holders of Australian permanent resident humanitarian visas.
Looking for online courses only, search around 200 undergraduate and over 300 postgraduate online courses.
Course Seeker provides easy access to details of all undergraduate courses offered by Australian higher education institutions. Find the course that's right for you.
ComparED helps you compare study experience and employment outcomes, using data from Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) surveys completed by students, graduates and employers.
Browse and compare microcredentials available in Australia from tertiary education and training providers. Microcredentials are tailored, outcome-based short courses that are often driven by industry needs.